[Range patterns have been moved from the extension features into standard OCaml.]
The table below shows the relative precedences and associativity of operators and non-closed pattern constructions. The constructions with higher precedences come first.
Operator | Associativity |
.. | – |
lazy (see section 7.3) | – |
Constructor application, Tag application | right |
:: | right |
, | – |
| | left |
as | – |
Patterns are templates that allow selecting data structures of a given shape, and binding identifiers to components of the data structure. This selection operation is called pattern matching; its outcome is either “this value does not match this pattern”, or “this value matches this pattern, resulting in the following bindings of names to values”.
A pattern that consists in a value name matches any value, binding the name to the value. The pattern _ also matches any value, but does not bind any name.
Patterns are linear: a variable cannot be bound several times by a given pattern. In particular, there is no way to test for equality between two parts of a data structure using only a pattern (but when guards can be used for this purpose).
A pattern consisting in a constant matches the values that are equal to this constant.
The pattern pattern1 as value-name matches the same values as pattern1. If the matching against pattern1 is successful, the name value-name is bound to the matched value, in addition to the bindings performed by the matching against pattern1.
The pattern ( pattern1 ) matches the same values as pattern1. A type constraint can appear in a parenthesized pattern, as in ( pattern1 : typexpr ). This constraint forces the type of pattern1 to be compatible with typexpr.
The pattern pattern1 | pattern2 represents the logical “or” of the two patterns pattern1 and pattern2. A value matches pattern1 | pattern2 if it matches pattern1 or pattern2. The two sub-patterns pattern1 and pattern2 must bind exactly the same identifiers to values having the same types. Matching is performed from left to right. More precisely, in case some value v matches pattern1 | pattern2, the bindings performed are those of pattern1 when v matches pattern1. Otherwise, value v matches pattern2 whose bindings are performed.
The pattern constr ( pattern1 , … , patternn ) matches all variants whose constructor is equal to constr, and whose arguments match pattern1 … patternn. It is a type error if n is not the number of arguments expected by the constructor.
The pattern constr _ matches all variants whose constructor is constr.
The pattern pattern1 :: pattern2 matches non-empty lists whose heads match pattern1, and whose tails match pattern2.
The pattern [ pattern1 ; … ; patternn ] matches lists of length n whose elements match pattern1 …patternn, respectively. This pattern behaves like pattern1 :: … :: patternn :: [].
The pattern `tag-name pattern1 matches all polymorphic variants whose tag is equal to tag-name, and whose argument matches pattern1.
If the type [('a,'b,…)] typeconstr = [ ` tag-name1 typexpr1 | … | ` tag-namen typexprn] is defined, then the pattern #typeconstr is a shorthand for the following or-pattern: ( `tag-name1(_ : typexpr1) | … | ` tag-namen(_ : typexprn)). It matches all values of type [< typeconstr ].
The pattern pattern1 , … , patternn matches n-tuples whose components match the patterns pattern1 through patternn. That is, the pattern matches the tuple values (v1, …, vn) such that patterni matches vi for i = 1,… , n.
The pattern { field1 = pattern1 ; … ; fieldn = patternn } matches records that define at least the fields field1 through fieldn, and such that the value associated to fieldi matches the pattern patterni, for i = 1,… , n. The record value can define more fields than field1 …fieldn; the values associated to these extra fields are not taken into account for matching. Optional type constraints can be added field by field with { field1 : typexpr1 = pattern1 ;… ; fieldn : typexprn = patternn } to force the type of fieldk to be compatible with typexprk.
The pattern [| pattern1 ; … ; patternn |] matches arrays of length n such that the i-th array element matches the pattern patterni, for i = 1,… , n.
[Range patterns have been moved from the extension features into standard OCaml.]
The pattern ' c ' .. ' d ' is a shorthand for the pattern
where c1, c2, …, cn are the characters that occur between c and d in the ASCII character set. For instance, the pattern '0'..'9' matches all characters that are digits.