file: { declaration } EOF declaration: classspec | adtspec | groundsignature | typedef | groundtermdef classspec: BEGIN identifier [ parameterlist ] COLON [ FINAL ] CLASSSPEC { importing } { classsection } END identifier parameterlist: OBRACKET parameters { COMMA parameters } CBRACKET parameters: identifier { COMMA identifier } COLON [ variance ] TYPE variance: POS | NEG | MIXED | OPAREN numberorquestion COMMA numberorquestion CPAREN numberorquestion: QUESTIONMARK | VALUE classsection: inheritsection | [ visibility ] attributesection [ SEMICOLON ] | [ visibility ] methodsection [ SEMICOLON ] | definitionsection | classconstructorsection [ SEMICOLON ] | assertionsection | creationsection | theoremsection | requestsection [ SEMICOLON ] visibility: PUBLIC | PRIVATE inheritsection: INHERIT FROM ancestor { COMMA ancestor } ancestor: identifier [ argumentlist ] [ RENAMING renaming { AND renaming } ] renaming: identifier AS identifier attributesection: ATTRIBUTE member { SEMICOLON member } methodsection: METHOD member { SEMICOLON member } definitionsection: DEFINING member formula SEMICOLON { member formula SEMICOLON } classconstructorsection: CONSTRUCTOR member { SEMICOLON member } member: identifier COLON type assertionsection: ASSERTION { importing } [ assertionselfvar ] { freevarlist } namedformula { namedformula } assertionselfvar: SELFVAR identifier COLON SELF freevarlist: VAR vardeclaration { SEMICOLON vardeclaration } creationsection: CREATION { importing } { freevarlist } namedformula { namedformula } theoremsection: THEOREM { importing } { freevarlist } namedformula { namedformula } namedformula: identifier COLON formula SEMICOLON requestsection: REQUEST request { SEMICOLON request } request: identifier COLON type formula: FORALL OPAREN vardeclaration { COMMA vardeclaration } CPAREN colonordot formula | EXISTS OPAREN vardeclaration { COMMA vardeclaration } CPAREN colonordot formula | LAMBDA OPAREN vardeclaration { COMMA vardeclaration } CPAREN colonordot formula | LET binding { semicolonorcomma binding } [ semicolonorcomma ] IN formula | formula IFF formula | formula IMPLIES formula | formula OR formula | formula AND formula | IF formula THEN formula { elseif formula THEN formula } ELSE formula | NOT formula | formula infix_operator formula | ALWAYS formula FOR [ identifier [ argumentlist ] DOUBLECOLON ] methodlist | EVENTUALLY formula FOR [ identifier [ argumentlist ] DOUBLECOLON ] methodlist | CASES formula OF caselist [ semicolonorcomma ] ENDCASES | formula WITH OBRACKET update { COMMA update } CBRACKET | formula DOT qualifiedid | formula formula | TRUE | FALSE | PROJ_N | VALUE | qualifiedid | OPAREN formula COLON type CPAREN | OPAREN formula { COMMA formula } CPAREN colonordot: COLON | DOT vardeclaration: identifier { COMMA identifier } COLON type methodlist: OBRACE identifier { COMMA identifier } CBRACE qualifiedid: idorinfix | identifier [ argumentlist ] DOUBLECOLON idorinfix idorinfix: OPAREN infix_operator CPAREN | identifier binding: identifier [ COLON type ] EQUAL formula elseif: ELSEIF | ELSIF semicolonorcomma: COMMA | SEMICOLON caselist: pattern COLON formula { semicolonorcomma pattern COLON formula } pattern: identifier [ OPAREN identifier { COMMA identifier } CPAREN ] update: formula ASSIGN formula adtspec: BEGIN identifier [ parameterlist ] COLON ADT { adtsection } END identifier adtsection: adtconstructorlist [ SEMICOLON ] adtconstructorlist: CONSTRUCTOR adtconstructor { SEMICOLON adtconstructor } adtconstructor: identifier [ adtaccessors ] COLON type adtaccessors: OPAREN identifier { COMMA identifier } CPAREN groundsignature: BEGIN identifier [ parameterlist ] COLON GROUNDSIGNATURE { importing } { signaturesection } END identifier signaturesection: typedef | signaturesymbolsection [ SEMICOLON ] typedef: TYPE identifier [ parameterlist ] [ EQUAL type ] signaturesymbolsection: CONSTANT termdef { SEMICOLON termdef } groundtermdef: CONSTANT termdef [ SEMICOLON ] termdef: idorinfix [ parameterlist ] COLON type [ formula ] type: SELF | CARRIER | BOOL | OBRACKET type { COMMA type } ARROW type CBRACKET | OBRACKET type { COMMA type } CBRACKET | type STAR type { STAR type } | type ARROW type | OPAREN type CPAREN | qualifiedid | identifier argumentlist argumentlist: OBRACKET type { COMMA type } CBRACKET importing: IMPORTING identifier [ argumentlist ]
adt always and as assertion attribute begin bool carrier cases classspec constant constructor creation defining else elseif elsif end endcases eventually exists false final for forall from groundsignature groundterm groundtype if iff implies importing in inherit lambda let method mixed neg not of or pos private public renaming request self selfvar then theorem true type var withThe string "PROJ_" followed by a natural number denotes a projection.
! $ & * + - . / \ : < = > ? @ ^ | ~ #starting with either
$ & * + - / \ < = > @ ^ | ~ #Infix operators are grouped into precedence levels according to their starting characters. Associativity is fixed and depends on the precedence level. With decreasing precedence there are the following levels: