Reordering of lists

This module defines list_reorder as equivalence relation on lists containing the same elements with same multiplicity in different order. This is the intended equality on sequents.

Require Export lists.

Section Reorder.
  Variable A : Type.


  Inductive list_reorder : list Alist AProp :=
    | list_reorder_nil : list_reorder [] []
    | list_reorder_cons : (a : A)(l1 l2 : list A)(n : nat),
        list_reorder l1 l2
          list_reorder (a :: l1) ((firstn n l2) ++ a :: (skipn n l2)).

  Lemma list_reorder_cons_parts : (l1 l2l l2r : list A)(a : A),
    list_reorder l1 (l2l ++ l2r) →
      list_reorder (a :: l1) (l2l ++ a :: l2r).

  Lemma list_reorder_cons_head : (l1 l2 : list A)(a : A),
    list_reorder l1 l2
      list_reorder (a :: l1) (a :: l2).


  Lemma list_reorder_refl : (l : list A), list_reorder l l.

  Lemma list_reorder_length : (l1 l2 : list A),
    list_reorder l1 l2length l1 = length l2.

  Lemma list_reorder_symm :
    (l1 l2 : list A), list_reorder l1 l2list_reorder l2 l1.

  Lemma list_reorder_occurence_full :
    (l1 l2 : list A)(n1 : nat)(n1_less : n1 < length l1),
      list_reorder l1 l2
      (n2 : nat),
        n2_less # n2 < length l2 /#\
          nth l1 n1 n1_less = nth l2 n2 n2_less
          list_reorder (cutout_nth l1 n1) (cutout_nth l2 n2).

  Lemma list_reorder_occurence :
    (l1 l2 : list A)(n1 : nat)(n1_less : n1 < length l1),
      list_reorder l1 l2
      (n2 : nat),
        n2_less # n2 < length l2 /#\
          nth l1 n1 n1_less = nth l2 n2 n2_less.

  Lemma list_reorder_trans :
    (l1 l2 l3 : list A),
      list_reorder l1 l2list_reorder l2 l3list_reorder l1 l3.

  Lemma list_reorder_trans_rev :
    (l1 l2 l3 : list A),
      list_reorder l2 l3list_reorder l1 l2list_reorder l1 l3.

Generic properties

  Lemma every_nth_list_reorder :
    (P : AProp)(l1 l2 : list A),
      list_reorder l1 l2
        (every_nth P l1 every_nth P l2).

  Lemma list_reorder_insert : (l1l l1r l2l l2r : list A)(a1 a2 : A),
    list_reorder (l1l ++ l1r) (l2l ++ l2r) →
    a1 = a2
      list_reorder (l1l ++ a1 :: l1r) (l2l ++ a2 :: l2r).

  Lemma list_reorder_insert_list : (l1l l1r l2l l2r lm1 lm2 : list A),
    list_reorder (l1l ++ l1r) (l2l ++ l2r) →
    list_reorder lm1 lm2
      list_reorder (l1l ++ lm1 ++ l1r) (l2l ++ lm2 ++ l2r).

  Lemma list_reorder_tail : (l1 l2l l2r : list A)(a : A),
    list_reorder (a :: l1) (l2l ++ a :: l2r) →
      list_reorder l1 (l2l ++ l2r).

  Lemma list_reorder_tail_head : (l1 l2 : list A)(a : A),
    list_reorder (a :: l1) (a :: l2) →
      list_reorder l1 l2.

  Lemma list_reorder_inserted_2 :
    (l1l l1m l1r l2 : list A)(a1l a1r : A),
      list_reorder (l1l ++ a1l :: l1m ++ a1r :: l1r) l2
        (l2l l2m l2r : list A)(a2l a2r : A),
          l2 = l2l ++ a2l :: l2m ++ a2r :: l2r
          list_reorder (l1l ++ l1m ++ l1r) (l2l ++ l2m ++ l2r)
          ((a1l = a2l a1r = a2r)
           (a1l = a2r a1r = a2l)).

  Lemma list_reorder_partition : (f : Abool)(l : list A),
    list_reorder l ((fst (partition f l)) ++ (snd (partition f l))).

  Lemma list_reorder_single_append :
    (a : A)(l rl rr : list A),
      list_reorder (a :: l) (rl ++ rr) →
        ((rlt : list A), list_reorder (a :: rlt) rl)
        ((rrt : list A), list_reorder (a :: rrt) rr).

  Lemma list_reorder_In : (a : A)(l1 l2 : list A),
    list_reorder l1 l2
    In a l1
      In a l2.

Special Properties

  Lemma list_reorder_nil_is_nil : (l : list A),
    list_reorder [] ll = [].

  Lemma list_reorder_singleton : (a : A)(l : list A),
    list_reorder [a] ll = [a].

  Lemma list_reorder_nonempty : (l1 l2 : list A),
    l1 []
    list_reorder l1 l2
      l2 [].

  Lemma list_reorder_first_occurence :
    (a : A)(l1 l2 : list A),
      list_reorder (a :: l1) l2
        (n : nat),
          n_less # n < length l2 /#\
            nth l2 n n_less = a list_reorder l1 (cutout_nth l2 n).

  Lemma list_reorder_swap_head : (a b : A)(l : list A),
    list_reorder (a :: b :: l) (b :: a :: l).

  Lemma list_reorder_rot_3 : (a b c : A)(l : list A),
     list_reorder (a :: b :: c :: l) (b :: c :: a :: l).

  Lemma list_reorder_move_append : (a : A)(ll lr : list A),
    list_reorder (a :: ll ++ lr) (ll ++ a :: lr).

  Lemma list_reorder_append_3_middle : (l1 l2 l3 : list A),
    list_reorder (l2 ++ l1 ++ l3) (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3).

  Lemma list_reorder_append_swap : (l1 l2 : list A),
    list_reorder (l1 ++ l2) (l2 ++ l1).

  Lemma list_reorder_append_both : (l1 l2 l3 l4 : list A),
    list_reorder l1 l3
    list_reorder l2 l4
      list_reorder (l1 ++ l2) (l3 ++ l4).

  Lemma list_reorder_append_right : (l1 l2 l3 : list A),
    list_reorder l1 l2list_reorder (l1 ++ l3) (l2 ++ l3).

  Lemma list_reorder_append_left : (l1 l2 l3 : list A),
    list_reorder l1 l2list_reorder (l3 ++ l1) (l3 ++ l2).

  Lemma list_reorder_In_split : (l : list A)(a : A),
    In a l
      (ll lr : list A),
        list_reorder l (a :: ll ++ lr).

  Lemma list_reorder_2_char : (a1 a2 : A)(l : list A),
    list_reorder [a1; a2] l
      l = [a1; a2] l = [a2; a1].

  Lemma list_reorder_double_append :
    (a : A)(l rl rr : list A),
      list_reorder (a :: a :: l) (rl ++ rr) →
        ((rlt : list A), list_reorder (a :: a :: rlt) rl)
        ((rlt rrt : list A),
           list_reorder (a :: rlt) rl list_reorder (a :: rrt) rr)
        ((rrt : list A), list_reorder (a :: a :: rrt) rr).

End Reorder.

Implicit Arguments list_reorder [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_length [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_occurence_full [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_occurence [A].
Implicit Arguments every_nth_list_reorder [A P].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_insert [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_insert_list [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_tail [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_inserted_2 [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_single_append [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_nonempty [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_first_occurence [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_move_append [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_append_3_middle [A].
Implicit Arguments list_reorder_double_append [A].

Lemma list_reorder_map :
  {A B : Type}{f : AB}(l1 l2 : list A),
    list_reorder l1 l2
      list_reorder (map f l1) (map f l2).

Lemma list_reorder_left_map :
  {A B : Type}(f : AB)(l1 : list A)(l2 : list B),
    list_reorder (map f l1) l2
      (l2_pre : list A),
        l2 = map f l2_pre
        list_reorder l1 l2_pre.

Lemma list_reorder_right_map :
  {A B : Type}(f : AB)(l1 : list B)(l2 : list A),
    list_reorder l1 (map f l2) →
      (l1_pre : list A),
        l1 = map f l1_pre
        list_reorder l1_pre l2.