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Chapter   14

Using Cryptography Extensions

This release provides an implementation of basic security and cryptography classes. These implementations are supported by:

The support for security and cryptography allows you to:

Note – DES is also known as single-key DES. 3DES is also known as triple-DES.

For more information on the SHA1, DES, 3DES, and RSA encryption schemes, see:

Supported Cryptography Classes

The implementation of security and cryptography in version 2.2.1 of the Java Card reference implementation supports the use of the following classes:

TABLE 37 lists the cryptography algorithms that are implemented for CREF and Java Card WDE:

TABLE 37  –  Algorithms Implemented by the Cryptography Classes
  • ALG_ISO3309_CRC16—ISO/IEC 3309-compliant 16-bit CRC algorithm. This algorithm uses the generator polynomial: x^16+x^12+x^5+1. The default initial checksum value used by this algorithm is 0. This algorithm is also compliant with the frame-checking sequence as specified in section of the ISO/IEC 13239 specification.
  • ALG_ISO3309_CRC32—ISO/IEC 3309-compliant 32-bit CRC algorithm. This algorithm uses the generator polynomial: X^32+X^26+X^23+X^22+X^16+X^12+X^11+X^10+X^8 +X^7+X^5+X^4+X^2+X+1. The default initial checksum value used by this algorithm is 0. This algorithm is also compliant with the frame-checking sequence as specified in section of the ISO/IEC 13239 specification.
  • ALG_DES_CBC_ISO9797_M2—provides a cipher using DES in CBC mode. This algorithm uses CBC for DES and 3DES. Input data is padded according to the ISO 9797 method 2 (ISO 7816-4, EMV’96) scheme.
  • ALG_RSA_PKCS1—provides a cipher using RSA. Input data is padded according to the PKCS#1 (v1.5) scheme.
  • ALG_AES_BLOCK_128_CBC_NOPAD—provides a cipher using AES with block size 128 in CBC mode and does not pad input data.
  • ALG_EC_SVDP_DH—elliptic curve secret value derivation primitive, Diffie-Hellman version, as per [IEEE P1363].
  • ALG_EC_SVDP_DHC—elliptic curve secret value derivation primitive, Diffie-Hellman version, with cofactor multiplication, as per [IEEE P1363].
the algorithms define the key lengths for:
  • 128-bit AES
  • 64-bit DES
  • 112-, 128-, 160-, 192-bit ECC
  • 128-bit DES3
  • 512-bit RSA
the algorithms define the key lengths for:
  • 112-, 128-, 160-, 192-bit ECC
  • 512-bit RSA
message digest algorithm SHA1
pseudo-random number generator with a 48-bit seed, which is modified using a linear congruential formula.
  • ALG_DES_MAC8_ISO9797_M2—generates an 8-byte MAC (most significant 8 bytes of encrypted block) using DES or 3DES in CBC mode. This algorithm uses CBC for DES and 3DES. Input data is padded according to the ISO 9797 method 2 (ISO 7816-4, EMV’96) scheme.
  • ALG_RSA_SHA_PKCS1—encrypts the 20 byte SHA1 digest using RSA. The digest is padded according to the PKCS#1 (v1.5) scheme.
  • ALG_AES_MAC_128_NOPAD—generates a 16-byte MAC using AES with blocksize 128 in CBC mode and does not pad input data.
  • ALG_ECDSA_SHA—signs/verifies the 20-byte SHA digest using ECDSA.

Instantiating the Classes

Implementations of the cryptography classes extend the corresponding base class with implementations of their abstract methods. All data allocation associated with the implementation instance is performed when the instance is constructed. This is done to ensure that any lack of required resources can be flagged when the applet is installed.

Each cryptography class, except KeyPair, has a getInstance method which takes the desired algorithm as one of its parameters. The method returns an instance of the class in the context of the calling applet. Instead of using a getInstance method, KeyPair takes the desired algorithm as a parameter in its constructor.

If you request an algorithm that is not listed in TABLE 37 or that is not implemented in this release, getInstance will throw a CryptoException with reason code NO_SUCH_ALGORITHM.

Temporary RAM Usage by Cryptography Algorithms

The implementation of the RSA and EC cryptography algorithms in CREF optimizes RAM usage. To do this, CREF dynamically allocates temporary memory areas in RAM. These temporary RAM areas are allocated for the duration of a native method call.

These memory areas are used as temporary RAM in the following order:

  1. Inside of the Java platform stack.
  2. The available DTR (clear-on-deselect) space of the current logical channel.
  3. The available RTR (clear-on-reset) space.
  4. The available DTR space of other logical channels.

Note that the amount of RAM available in the RTR and non-current DTR can be influenced by applets other than the one currently selected. This means that the current applet which uses the RTR and non-current DTR might fail if more applets are installed on the card.

When execution completes, CREF prints maximum memory usage in each of these areas to help you track the memory requirements of the cryptography algorithms in your own Java Card VM implementations.


Contents Previous Next Index Development Kit User's Guide for the Binary Release with Cryptography Extensions
Java Card Platform, Version 2.2.1